Reyna Castaño, a graduate from Arte A.C. in Monterrey, Mexico, begins her professional career as an artist in 1989. Although, accomplished in various painting media, drawing, and etching, she is best known for her own acrylic-based technique and being on the vanguard of the genre known as "abstract informalism." Castaño’s art has been selected at some of Mexico’s most important juried exhibits such as the Bienal Jose Clemente Orozco, Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven, and the Bienal FEMSA. She is a commissioned muralist, credited for Cal State’s mural Por Un Lenguaje Universal in their Luckman Fine Arts Complex. Castano’s work has been published on the covers of several art magazines and books to include Mexico’s equivalent of the N.E.A., CONACULTA, where her art was the image for the 15th Anniversary celebration of their cultural national program, Tierra Adentro. Her curriculum evidences solo exhibitions in Mexico, the U.S., Canada, and France. Castaño’s art has been exhibited side by side with Mexico’s giants, Rivera, Tamayo, Siqueiros, Anguiano, Coronel, to name a few as part of a government-sponsored touring exhibit “Three Generations of Mexican Masters”. Her Signature art has traveled worldwide and is collected internationally.
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